August 2022

6 Free Things to Do in Toronto That Are Worth Your Time

Who Doesn't Enjoy Something free? It feels like you received a present! In Toronto, where everything is expensive, you might find such gifts hidden, here and there. And when it provides an excellent opportunity to spend your spare time, you got yourself a good deal!Therefore, in this article, we are giving you that gift as a form of an experience.  So, we are here with 6 free things to do in our beautiful...

7 Effective Ways, You can be Kind towards the Environment this Summer.

The time when nature is full of life and so are you! However, in recent times we, as a species, have not been kind towards the environment. The sea levels are rising, the weather has a mind of its own and several other factors indicate that we are not on course to leave a better world for our future generation. This article shows 7 easy but effective ways you can implement in your daily life and be one...

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